l Don't drink & dial - also don't drink & buy plane tickets. l

| August 31, 2008 || 3:08 a.m. |

I've been home forever it seems, I've been online or gotten back into that lately even if Ch doesn't like it very much (he feels neglected when I'm just sitting next to him quietly with my nose in a book all night). I enjoy it though and while I'll end up reading a lot for a month or two and then not read another book for a year or so it's just a nice break from the norm, ya know? Sitting in silence, peace and quiet, reading - immersing yourself into an entirely different world, even if just for a couple of hours.

I booked my airfare after I got home from the fundraiser. Okay, let's just say that cellphones, laptops and computers should really have a breathalizer to prevent *my* drunk ass from doing stupid shit. I booked it all right but I accidentally booked myself to be there for ten days rather then 4! Now, while I'd love to spend 10 days there and would definitely have plenty to do and plenty more people to hang out with, I just can't afford to take that amount of time off & my store won't allow me that much time off either. But the good news is I do get to go back even if it is for only 4 days & flying solo. I'd love for Ch to be there with me but neither of us can afford for both of us to go. I think after having to pay for the flight home correction I spent about $350+ bucks that I really shouldn't have. I could have sworn the ticket said 210 plus tax - is there really that much tax on plane tickets? Apparently so.

I've got a lot of moving to do tomorrow - and a lot of just stuff that we both have to get done before I work Monday. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep last night and probably about that much the night before too. I don't remember. I just know I couldn't go to sleep like I had wanted to when I got home today at 630ish. I would have been home much earlier but I had to get the necklace Ch got me for vday cleaned and inspected (for the warranty). They said it looks great and then they cleaned it all nice and shiny.

I'm happy.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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