l RIP Ryan Robinson l

| September 04, 2008 || 2:34 a.m. |

I got all my stuff moved out of my room. Talk about an emotional time. I didn't realize how hard it would be to actually be moving out of my own house & into his apartment. We had our first softball game(s) yesterday (Tuesday). We lost our first game and won our 2nd game hands down. The shit part is I found out as I was walking into the ballpark that a friend of mine died this weekend. The autopsy has yet to come back but they are thinking it's either: a seizure w/ suffocation in his pillow, an accidental overdose or suicide. I don't think he'd have committed suicide but it wouldn't be the first person in the past couple months that has done it and no one would have ever thought they would have done it either.

I'm a bit depressed right now & can't sleep even though I have my own bed here now. I think it's just too much going on for me to handle but I'll get through this like I always do. somehow. someway.

I'm extremely close to just up and quitting my job but I know I won't til I find something better or new.

I'm just spent. emotionally and physically. I'll have to update tomorrow. I just can't seem to get my thoughts together, sorry folks.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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