l Quotes for the day... rememberance? l

| Monday, Jan. 06, 2003 || 12:53 p.m. |

Read this was & still is us. Only there was never any anon girl. Just me, him & all the regrets I say I never have, the sorries that come flooding back into my eyes washing away what memories I have left. I hold tightly onto the was & the whys and relish in the why-nots... why can't it be? i can never let go, i can never let it all go...

I love reading my diaryland buddies daily, I can't say for certain why I have stumbled upon the diaries I have but like I have always thought... everything happens for a reason... I feel very much connected to my daily doses of d~land.

I think I may have a place to live assuming all goes well with the other two prospective roomies. I certainly hope it all goes smoothly. I plan on hearing from one of them today and maybe even showing her the place. That would be really cool then the owner can meet two of the prospective tenants and we can discuss the details at greater length. Like the utilities stuff, deposit shtuff etc.

I can't wait! I think I want the downstairs room now, I really don't care if I share a bathroom or not. I am more concerned about having enough room and my baby TorTor. If I took the Downstairs I could have a lil studio setting all to myself. The Aussie said I could have one of his couches and neighbor girl is buying my mom's so I am not really losing out on that one. I don't remember if the downstairs bathroom had a tub or not... no biggie, I think the upstairs was just a shower; it'd be nice to take a bath once in a blue moon.

I need to work on more of my poetry. I feel the urge to write more than journalistic prose. Will I be able to capture my own spirit at this point in my life? Will I have the ability to peak inward towards my own soul at this very moment in time?

I need to spend more time writing my thoughts again, forming them a lil more meticulously than I have recently. I am not bitching about my entries or putting such small value on them, but I need to be a lil more creative, put more of my heart into what I am writing... I can't really sing as much as I used to so I need this other outlet.

All right this is taking me far too long...

Have you stopped by Kendal's site yet? Check it out! She's a cool chica! So is Sarah , but I haven't really gotten to know her yet... well other than TV & her diary...

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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