l by & by how time doth fly... l

| Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2002 || 4:42 p.m. |

Ooh my my my.... How time does fly...

The past 7,8 or 9 days have been a visage of various catastrophies & maladies(I am being overly dramatic for those who can not tell...), yet not all has been such...

Where Ooh where shall I begin this tale??

"Bunches" is now OUT of the picture, all of my own accord... This journey began on the evening of MLK day...

"Ms.everyone's-fave-annoyance"'s 21st b-day... "Ms. one-is-not-enough" & the "newbie" picked me up for the afore mentioned celebration... After that brief but glorious commitment, we ventured over to "ms.I'll-be-jewel-wanna-be"'s house for some home cooked-over-cooked pot roast & taters... The night mainly consisted of beer-liquor drinking, ghost-story-telling, drag-queen-back-woods-make-up-make-overs, and some serious flirting that lead into some serious making out... ALL NIGHT LONG! Ahh ha! I was just flirting and the attraction was obviously more than mutual! I honestly didn't sleep until 8 the next morning when I found out that I had lost my job (kinda) and was being re-located to another contract with less money and no weekends off! ARrrrrrrrrghhhhh!!!!!!!!!

At least I got to sleep though!

Okay okay... That weekend (last weekend) I went to Vegas with my new bf (the newbie), "ms.everyone's-fave-annoyance", her gf plus a few other unmentionables... Can I say - BLAST?? Drinking... gambing...(at least watching other people loss their money), shopping! (more my style.. rather have something to show for the money loss) and just plain fun.. being out of california, being able to drink and smoke indoors! At the same TIME!!!

Now for the juice and soul of my present dilema... the newbie... well... err..uhh.. really kinda sucks in bed... I don't think he's circumsized - which doesn't really matter and is actually a good thing because he is rather small-er than I am used to... doesn't know much about anything... I feel horrible about all of this... I really like him and for a moment (of insanity- the night after our initial make-out fest) thought that he was the "one"... Or at least the one for right now... Whatever... I love sex I really do, but I really wasn't in for a "fixer-upper"... I don't know if I am up for the challenge or the teacher of the year award - lord knows that he can barely get it up half of the time...well he can only get it up half way I should say...

I really like him a lot, I have to say something about it... teach him how to fu**... Maybe I'll have to start off with Sex ED 101: the art of kissing... Yup that is right, his kissing is even lame... It is as if he has lock-jaw upon contact... his mouth just gaps open & tongue prodes around almost aimlessly... I feel like I am Natasha Lionne in "But I'm a cheerleader" when she is kissing her pseudo-bf...

I just had an epiphany today! I have been watching all of the "Sex in the City" Episodes lately... Comparing my recent situations: With the Asshole - I was Charlotte, I totally tried to convince myself that I could have a relationship with "mr.pussy".

Then with "mr.morals" I became Miranda... He wants it all and I want nothing but my freedom.

Next I transform into Samantha! "me, james and his tiny penis!" Why couldn't I have been Samantha a few months ago with "mr.pussy"??

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011