l More than I could have ever said myself l

| Friday, Sept. 20, 2002 || 7:05 p.m. |

The Libra woman ~ me

The Libra woman loves beauty, style and elegance. But don't let that fool you into thinking she's shallow or superficial. She has a mind like a steel trap. This woman is not some vague, fluffy bundle of mascara and stiletto heels that will stare in open-mouthed admiration at your mental acrobatics. She's probably either got a string of academic degrees or might as well have, and has already worked out the solution to the problem in ten minutes which you've been struggling with for two hours.

Libra women can be quite unnerving. They often show a huge contradiction between their appearance and their real nature. Some Libra women prefer to find their beauty and elegance solely in the world of ideas. But even here you can see the style and grace at work, and most Libra women are usually very aware of their appearance. The appearance of the Libra woman often belies the capacities and capabilities of her intellect. She is, however, generally too tactful to allow this to be immediately known. You might not find out for years that she's a lot smarter than you are.

There's often a strong intellectual drive in the Libra woman, whether this shows itself as a love of theoretical knowledge or a love of organising. The Libra woman may need a strong career to allow expression of her gifts. There is often a real ability to work with groups and get people together in cooperative action. Her goal-orientated qualities are expressed through the Libra woman's ability to work with structures, forms, organisations and concepts. This can be very disconcerting, as this is also usually the woman who will happily spend a day being pampered at the beauty salon and throw away a fortune on designer clothes.

No Libra is simple. The strong mental bias of the sign means she may tend to suppress her emotions. Whatever conventional stereotypes society might expect of women, the Libra woman generally prefers to reason things out rather than reacting out of instinct.

This is both a great boon and a great problem. It's a boon in terms of potential achievement in the world and in terms of establishing clean, strong friendships. It's a problem because her powerful intellect can make an insecure type of man feel very threatened; and dealing with children and intimate relationships can be difficult because the Libra woman may find it hard to show emotion spontaneously or respond freely to a partner's or child's emotional needs.

The key is romance. Libra's tightly corseted, over-civilised emotions can usually be freed through the ritual courtship of romance. And the Libra woman is definitely a romantic, even if you find her displaying those frighteningly rational tendencies and claiming to be a logical, reasonable person.

A bunch of flowers can go a long way; but a heartfelt compliment goes an even longer way, and best of all is a genuine interest in and attraction to her mind. If you want to relate to a Libra woman, you have to accept both the man and the woman in her. For she possesses both, and the Libran woman who has found her own balance is comfortable in all worlds.

The Libra partner ~ again me

In one sense, Librans are always lovers, even when they're programming computers, making political speeches or designing a garden. Everything they do, they do with refinement, grace and style. They show their best qualities in a civilised relationship which contains plenty of harmony, compromise and clear, open communication.

If you enjoy tempestuous, violent scenes with slammed doors and smashed crockery and lots of tears and torn clothes, choose another sign. If you're big on heavy silent atmospheres, that's not going to go over well either. Although it's certainly possible to drive a Libran to the point of real explosiveness, it takes a lot of work, and afterward you'll find that, far from enjoying all that passionate intensity, your Libran partner loathes every minute of it, loathes you, loathes herself for reaching that disgracefully bestial level of behaviour, and never forgets it.

If you want to discuss love problems with a Libra, you must discuss them. With words, in clear, logical, grammatically sound sentences. You can't just emote. And make sure you temper your accusations with a good helping of, "Yes, I know that part is my fault", because otherwise the Libran sense of fairness will be offended. In short, learn diplomacy.

It can all get too intellectualised for some people. Libra is capable of spending hours discussing a relationship - what's wrong with it, what's right with it, how "we" (don't forget the royal Libran "we") can make it better. In the end, Librans, for all their extraordinary intelligence, can show a surprisingly small capacity to act on these ideals in an emotionally convincing way.

Libra's feeling nature is quite childlike, very powerful, and usually repressed. When they become horribly rational and discuss emotions like a political debate with pros, cons, and suggested fair compromises, you might feel like doing something really basic, like setting the house on fire and screaming. Yet having a reasonable partner can be a great boon. It means you can reason with her.

Of course there are times when reason has no place in love, and this is often Libra's most difficult and painful lesson. You may wait a long time for your Libra partner to offer a genuine and spontaneous emotional response which hasn't been thought out carefully first. But if you can truly understand and respect Libra's need for harmony and civilised behaviour, it can make a big difference.

Librans can be gently coaxed into trusting their emotions, if the relationship is mutually respectful. But they can't become somebody else. If you can't accept the innate Libran tendency to rely on reason, try something a little more explosive, like an Aries or a Scorpio. The need for companionship makes Libra very companionable, and if you're a ferociously independent type who likes to do everything alone, you may have a difficult time with Libra, who likes to do everything together.

They aren't in the least bit weak. Far from it. Librans can be determined, tenacious and unstoppable if they believe in an ideal. It's just that they're people-lovers, and even a quiet, introverted Libra needs an understanding and interested mate and companion with whom to share ideals and dreams. Librans are deeply interested in making relationships work, and if you get involved with a Libran, you're the beneficiary of that romantic idealism. For such a priceless gift, it's well worth learning to communicate with your Libran partner rather than just dissolving into tears or shouting and slamming the door.

You are a Scorpio ~ Milwaukee

It's said that you can recognise Scorpios by their stare. Enigmatic, penetrating, probing while revealing nothing, even hostile or ruthless. This little cameo, along with the infamous passion usually attributed to the sign, has gone a long way toward making life pretty difficult for you. After all, when someone at a party asks you what sign you are, and you look at them (penetratingly) and reply, "Scorpio", and they give a little gasp and back away, or instantly inquire what you're doing later, well, it can get a little...tiresome.

This is the most perplexing and least understood of all the zodiac signs. You don't help this problem, since you are indeed prone to playing the enigmatic, mysterious type when you're unsure of a situation and are checking out the undercurrents. Yet despite the smokescreens (and you have the best smokescreens of any sign), Scorpio belongs to the element of water, and this is a sign of deep feeling and sensitivity. You're easily affected by the emotional currents inside and around you, easily hurt, compassionate, often intensely lonely, and driven by an almost voracious need for relationship.

Never mind that "loner" business that's always said about the sign. It may be one of your smokescreens, but you're no loner at heart. Just the opposite. You long for a really profound, close soul-union. It's just that you're extremely discriminating about whom you allow into your psychic field, since you're so intensely sensitive. And also, well, to put it euphemistically, you're just a little mistrustful of people.

You have no illusions about human nature, and you've always had an uncanny knack of perceiving what other people don't wish to be known. From early childhood, Scorpios see through hypocrisy and sham. But you can't always formulate these perceptions. More likely you'll have strong, intuitive gut reactions to people, and they're usually accurate.

The trouble is that you smell brimstone just about everywhere. You're privy to one of the most profound and disturbing secrets of human nature: all individuals carry a dark side within them. You can't afford to be gullibly romantic because you know perfectly well that, alongside our human nobility, we are also animals, and not very attractive ones at that. No wonder you sometimes seem deeply cynical.

One of your great challenges is to learn tolerance. You've got compassion in abundance, and the deepest sympathy for pain and loneliness, which is why so many Scorpios are found in the helping professions. But you can't abide laziness and weakness. You believe deeply that, no matter how bad the mess, every human being can do something about it. You're pretty adept at doing that yourself. What you sometimes fail to realise is that people are made differently, and not everyone has your self-honesty and strength. And your pride, which can be downright Luciferian, keeps you from recognising that sometimes it's necessary, and even courageous, to yield.

You have a big problem relinquishing control. This might be self-control (it's the Scorpio who, after the third bottle of wine, is still perfectly coherent) or it might be a need to control your loved ones. Some Scorpios even try to control life itself. Take all that insight and sensitivity, add a liberal dash of fierce pride and a determination to carve your own path through life, throw in a dose of general mistrust of other people, and you don't exactly come up with a "laid back" person.

Because of your great will-power, persistence and insight, you can succeed at anything you put your mind to. You commit yourself passionately to whatever you do, with heart, mind, body and soul. You can rise out of any crisis and reinvent yourself. That's a remarkable formula for success. But material success isn't really what motivates you. Some Scorpios are driven by the craving for power, but that's a distorted expression of the sign, and usually reflects a lot of hurt and humiliation early in life.

The real key to your mystery lies deep in your secret soul. Your heart is always a battleground where mistrust and need of others war within you constantly. You want to find the truth about yourself and about life. You need to know why people act and feel as they do. Ultimately you must understand yourself, and come to some kind of truce with the warring forces of your nature. In the end, it's the life and truth of the soul which are your real goal.

Scorpio with Libra ~ Milwaukee & I

You are so very different that you are bound to be fascinated by each other. Watery Scorpio loves intense feeling, soulful confrontation, drama, mystery, and the occasional crisis or heated confrontation to feel inspired. Airy Libra loves order, clarity, civilised behaviour, and harmony in all encounters.

Libra can help Scorpio to discover perspective, balance, detachment, and gentleness. Scorpio can help Libra to discover emotional honesty, the hidden side of human nature, the pleasure of a good battle won, and the joys of passion.

Scorpio can find Libra's careful ethics superficial or evasive, and can feel rejected by Libra's insistence on detached discussion. But Libra can find Scorpio's emotional intensity disturbing or even threatening, and can feel bullied by the aggression Scorpio can display in the face of frustration.

Both of you need to listen to each other and appreciate each other's strengths. Libra needs to jump in and learn to fight openly. Scorpio needs to jump out and learn to think coolly. Both of you place enormous importance on relationships, and in many ways your relationship can make you both grow and flourish - provided you avoid polarising.

Now you know us more than ever!

Find out everything you ever wanted to know about yourself and your loved ones here. I found this under Free Horoscopes - Astrology for lovers.

I'd love to hear what is says about you!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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