l To press or not to press � that is my question� l

| Thursday, Feb. 13, 2003 || 5:43 p.m. |

I spoke with my friend whom tossed my ex-gf on her arse last night. Hey she threatened to press charges against him when he did absolutely nothing wrong. Well he spoke with his attorneys, the owners of Cheers, his police station (yes he is a cop but he was off duty), and apparently Cheers is willing to press charges as her being the aggressor & causing a fight, the bartenders know the men she assaulted & spoke with them, they are willing to press charges, his precinct said that since he did not announce that he was a cop, he could only get her on assault of a public official �which is a felony. Then pile on top of that if I decide to press charges against her cunt of a gf � Ooh what a tangled web we weave!

Did I forget to mention that my friend can also sue her if she tries to press charges against him in a civil court?

I warned her, I really don�t want to see any of this happen� but what if?

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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