l Why is it women always stop and ask for directions? l

| Wednesday, May. 08, 2002 || 9:22 a.m. |

I made a bold move yesterday...

I bought a ticket to Chicago... I am flying out to the midwest to spend memorial weekend with my baby.

Well, my man is paying for it... I bought it and he is sending me a check... he is too good to be true.

What I don't like it last night at Cheers I was telling pubicdreadhead and gentle hetfield about him and they starting saying he was obsessed and a stalker... I do NOT agree! Just because he is in LOVE with me, calls me every morning first thing and I am the last call at night does NOT mean he is a stalker. I hope not. I love him so much but will I be able to handle him 24/7/365? Or will I get agro like my mom did with he psycho scorpio? That was scary and not so much fun for her or me for that matter... He does call a lot, but I love to talk to him. He loves me and is concerned for my health and being. Will he call me every 2 seconds when I am not in his presence? I don't think I have anything to worry about... He has already said that he normally is an extremely jealous person yet with me he is not... he knows and is confident that I am his and I love only him. I think he is strong enough to trust me and not have any freaky insecurities like my mom's psycho.

I have decided I am going to make my life better, improve my quality of life, enrich my own being, live to the fullest, maximize my potential.

In order to do this I need to decide what I want from my life and where I am headed. Goals are appropiate in this case so here they are:

Short term goals:

a) reduce my over head - cut to one home line, get rid of digital cable (no "Six feet under" or "Sex in the city") and any other frivolties that are not necessary for basic survival.

b) Search for a higher paying primary job &/or a second job.

c) Meet with a career counselor to determine what I need to take in order to achieve the degree and job that I want to pursue.

Mid term goals:

a) Contact and consolidate all of my debts (everything that has slipped into collections and or the hands of an attorney)

That is all that I can think of as of right now... My main focus is just that. On a personal level I should really include my man into those, but I think I should wrap up my own priorities before I get him involved in those... my debts are just that... no matter how much I love him I have to be happy with myself first and keep myself headed in the right direction. I want to be perfect for him and for myself. I know perfection is a little much to ask for, but you all know what I mean right?

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011