l Finally a job prospect... maybe things will change soon? l

| Monday, July 22, 2002 || 4:20 pm |

I just got back from a nice interview with US Cellular. The same gentleman that I spoke with at the job fair a week ago interviewed me. I think that it went pretty well. He said that I would hear from them later this week for either a job offer or a respectful decline. I do sincerely hope it is a good outcome. As far as the rest of life here in Podunk� it is getting better. I am preying that a job comes soon for I know that will improve things ten fold. I just need that out let and that income. BADLY! Milwaukee thinks that I am really unhappy here, which is not all true. For the most part I do not like it but it is mostly the situation in which I find myself that I do not like at all; Jobless, penniless, almost completely hopeless, and pregnant. I do not like feeling helpless and dependent upon anyone, yet I am forced to be dependent upon Milwaukee for food, shelter and anything I may need. I have a car yet I need to get gas money from him as well so I am in a nice little rut. I have to think positively though. I have options, my mom is coming into town on Thursday morning and she will take me shopping. My cell phone is working and completely paid off � thank you mom� I do have a roof over my head and food in my belly � thanks Milwaukee� and my cute lil fur bats have been very good� L.B have only flung his shit once since we have been here� They are beginning to out grow their nicknames of dingle berry and skid mark. Can we give an Amen to that one? How about a Hallelujah!

I can�t wait until we can afford t.v and a phone line� when we can be like normal human beings�

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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