l Always give a firm grip... l

| Friday, Apr. 05, 2002 || 10:06 p.m. |

What is my hand at in business?

Based on the information we have collected related to the unique characteristics of your hand, PalmReaderOnline has determined that you are a Mercurian. You have the potential to be a very successful sales person.

On top of your impressive sales skills you are very comfortable in leadership roles.

Your problem solving approach is commendable. You are a good negotiator and a solid partner in any business.

Your fingertips represent a deep intuitive understanding. Your intuition allows you to act on impulse with positive consequences.

Your fingertips represent a deep intuitive understanding. Your intuition allows you to act on impulse with positive consequences.

Finally, you're always after the "biggest piece of the pie". You should be careful not to let your pursuit of "quantity" affect your judgment of quality.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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