l My match making mom returns... l

| Monday, Apr. 08, 2002 || 12:04 a.m. |

I just picked up my mom from her trip to Puerto Vallarta... Low and behold she met a man on the plane ride home that she just thinks would be perfect for me..

Leave it to mom to be match maker. He's from Philly, 23, just moved out to Newport Beach to be a musician. Or rather he is a musician and moved here to follow the music. He plays guitar, sings and apparently looks a lot like Keanu Reeves. Romantic, sweet, philanthropist, reading kinda guy. He has already promised to teach me how to play guitar and record me for an internet site.

My mom got his number, showed him my picture and said that I love to play tour-guide and would call him.

We'll just have to wait and see... I will call out of courtesy and curiousity.

Hell, he knows no one and I can always use some more friends.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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