l Ode to my Super Hero ~ Spiderman l

| Monday, Apr. 15, 2002 || 11:27 a.m. |

First I must make an ammendment to my previous entry... I just spoke with my music man and apparently he was right next to me that night in my bed. I was so inebriated that I never noticed, even when he tried poking me to wake me up! I feel much better knowing he slept in my bed... Although it probably sounds more chivalrous that he took the couch... Ooh well... I'm still happy! My music man has thus been dubbed: my "Spiderman"

Spiderman, Spiderman

does whatever a spider can

spins a web, any size

catches thieves just like flies

look out here comes the Spiderman

Is he strong? Listen bud

he's got radioactive blood

Can he swing from a thread

take a look overhead

hey there there goes the Spiderman

In the chill of the night

At the scene of the crime

Like a streak of light

He arrives just in time

Spiderman Spiderman

Friendly neighborhood Spiderman

wealth and fame, he's ignored

action is his reward

look out here comes the Spiderman

To him, life is a great big bang-up

Wherever there's hang-up

You'll find the Spiderman

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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