l Sweet dreams are made of these... l

| Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2002 || 8:37 a.m. |

What a wonderful evening indoors did I have last night. Who would have imagined I could have so much fun in front of a computer terminal... Well imagine I did and I am so much more awake and alive today! LOL

I messed up yet another MTV prediction I do believe... but ya know I don't even mind anymore.

Ooh my goodness, my mom just called and told me some oh so wonderful news... well not really, it is all-tentative. My Great aunt is and has been very ill, so thinking that this Thanksgiving could be her last my more than wealthy Great uncle has decided to bring everyone to Oregon to have a big family dinner together. Last time he did this was for his own mom's funeral back in 1994 (?). I have to see what is going on here at the Mold Mansion to see if I can for sure have those days off. I hate to see family passing. I met one of famous great uncle's at the funeral only to have him pass a few years later. Now he was a character, he did one amazing impersonation of Jack Nicholson I have ever heard... Apparently him and Jack despised each other (Mel was a in One flew over a cuckoo's nest), and he knew Reba McEntire when her daddy used to have her sing at the rodeo's, which Mel professed that she couldn't sing a tune to save her life... her daddy done bought her voice. What a funny man, he heard me sing some country song and shared that tidbit with me also saying that if his connects were still good I'd have been signed right then and there... I would have really loved to be able to hear more of his life. Ooh geez... to ponder ones own existence. Miraculous.

Now my mom, with all good intentions I am sure, seems to always be able to burst my bubble when it comes to anything I am excited about. I love her I do, but she is always so damn skeptical and negative about everything I am involved in. I understand that she is only concerned about me but why must I always tell her everything? My own fault, I want her to be wowed and happy for me, as excited as I am but that is never the case. It is always �hmmm� yippee� or �don�t you dare do anything stupid!� Even though I knew better I told her about my prospect with the Webmaster. Ooh lord what a nightmare! She couldn�t believe that it could even be true. How can you believe that someone is willing to pay that much for some one to just run around? Of course I am horrible at trying to explain anything to my mother� she just doesn�t listen. She insists that before considering anything that a legal proposal be drawn to �guarantee� at least a years employment, and some kind of sever age package should I be terminated before then. Incase I haven�t mentioned it before mom works for the Gov�t as a Labor Relations Specialist, basically a lawyer for government managers with out having to have the lawyer education. She should have been a lawyer; no one can win an argument with this stubborn Scorpio, especially me. Maybe I am just a lot more trusting� I would never do anything that I did not think was legitimate, with all the conversations I have had with her I hardily think that she would do anything deceptive. I am a pretty good judge of character and our dinner meeting shall prove both of us either right or wrong. I am no longer worried, just impatient!

This thanksgiving fiasco is really up in the air, I don�t have to go and if my lil brother comes to Cali then neither my mom nor myself will go. I am a lil perplexed about the whole she-bang but things will clarify soon.

I haven�t sought the advice of the I Ching but since this could be such a major change in my life� let�s see what it has to say�

Question: What will come from this prospective venture?

Answer: Primary Hexagram 50 � The Caldron: The judgment: The caldron, Supreme good fortune, Success. The Image: Fire over wood: the image of the caldron, thus the superior man consolidates his fate by making the position correct.

Moving line �2: Nine in the second place means, �There is food in the ting. My comrades are envious, but they cannot harm me. Good Fortune.

Relating hexagram 56 � The Wanderer: The judgment: The wanderer, Success through smallness, Perseverance brings good fortune to the wanderer. The Image: Fire on the mountain: The image of the wanderer, thus the superior man is clear-minded and cautious in the imposing penalties, and protracts no lawsuits.

WoW! Let me know what you make of that!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011