l Operation Save Angel.com is now being researched! l

| Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 || 1:00 p.m. |

Shame on me I know, not updating. I am usually very obedient when it comes to summarizing my weeks the following business day. What can I say they have been expecting me to work lately! The pile of paper work can no longer be shuffled to the side for the mound has grown grotesquely!

I am in the process of taking a part time job that should really bring in the amount of pocket change that will help toss a lifeline to my drowning in debt. I have had collectors coming after me for nearly two years for an amount of money that would really make people laugh. I think my total debt amounts to only $1402.47 and that is just in fresh off the calculator! It�s difficult to get your head above water when you live paycheck to paycheck and even sometimes above that. Southern California is such an expensive place to live. Mind you all of that debt was accumulated from my relationship with Og. I never had credit when we first moved in together. I signed up for a Pier 1 credit card (I was a manager there so I figure it would be fine), and a Target card, I never thought that I would get either since I have never had a real credit card. But I did & of course I was oh-so-in-love and just had to buy her everything she wanted! Mind you in the two years we were together, one and a half years living together she rarely had a job, I was making barely over 10 an hour and paying all of our bills and in my ignorance became overwhelmed with all the bills & decided to just ignore the credit card debts� Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I was young & na�ve! Boy am I regretting it all now. It�s been over two years, my credit is royally screwed & with rent, car payment, insurance, utilities, and the price gas these days I can�t afford to get these taken care of. I make a little over $13.00 now. Will I ever be able to breathe again? I still have never had a real credit card. I would like to think that now I could manage one and be wise with it, but it might be years before a company would even consider the notion.

There was that girl who had a website based on people sending her money to free her of her shopping credit debt. It worked. Now I didn�t accrue this debt from buying shoes or living in Manhattan, I was in love and now I am in collections for laundry soap, dinnerware & toilet paper! Kind of ridiculous if you ask me. I wonder if I could pull off an �Angelsneedahelpinghandtoo.com�. Do you think it would work? I need to get more hits on this site I suppose before I can think about hosting a web-panhandling site. Nice name for that huh? Yeah I thought so too.

It might not take me long at all. It�s not like I am 20K in the hole� just a little over a grand. That�s not too much to ask help for now is it? I have pay pal. lol

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011