l Another night at home in solitude l

| Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003 || 6:55 p.m. |

So much going on at work lately, trying to get me moving along within the corporate system... Don't get me wrong I have always loved the company I work for, they have given such a great opportunity to grow & learn about things I never imagined that I would be a part of - or even want to be a part of.

It hard making decisions about what you want to really do for the rest of your life. I know I spoke of this a week or so ago but it keeps weighing on my mind. I have been told & know of myself that I love communicating with people & working with them whether it is via the internet or in person. I have a attention span of like zilch when it comes to repetition & the mundainness of everyday the eight to five desk job. I can't stand tediousness of everyday corporate life. I need more; crave more society... if the is indeed the proper word I am earning for. I was reading aj's journal today & it sparked something that I haven't felt in quite a while... She had placed something online that she had written a while back & that really spoke to me in a way that I can hardily explain... I miss my creativity, my writings, the words that are longing to pour from my lips... I feel the urge to devour these thoughts & impregnate my poetry page with the spawn of these wild tempestuous wiles... again I am not sure if that made much sense to any one other than myself.

There is soo much I want to aspire to... I long to be me once again...

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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