l When the phones rings I need to friggin answer l

| Thursday, Jan. 09, 2003 || 5:02 p.m. |

Tonight I am making dinner for my dear friend (whom I may have given a previous name to but can not even begin to think as to what it was) Strummer. I think this name fits rather well... it reminds me of the Fugees (roberta flack) song, She not only plays the geetar but is always strumming my strings as well... lol Take that as you will!

I am really excited about making dinner for someone again! I will go to Trader Joe's after work, pick out a nice dish and wine to go with the gourmet meal I will prepare! lol How fun, a good night of Friends with a Friend...

I was a lil disappointed when Leo didn't stop by Cheers last night but I am a lil relieved since I was in a funky mood. I was a lil too preoccupied with Milwaukee and my moving situation weighing on my mind.

I had a really disturbing dream about Leo too. Something about him being an abusive heroine addict that kidnapped me with all of his friends and was trying to kill me... I managed to get away but my friend MM or L (not sure which one it was) was murdured during a ski retreat and I ended up moving into his old room. So strange... I am being to think that my dreams have some eerie meanings giving me some sort of forewarnings... Crazy huh? It would make a lot of sense I suppose. Leo's biz partner goes by a name that means heroine in spanish and some GHB was slipped into Leo's drink apparently on New Years but he didn't seem to be that concerned with it, just apologetic if he seemed or acted a lil too weird. huh...

I am wondering what I should think or if I should be really careful when hanging out with him. He invited me to l.a this wkend to hang out with him & his friends and just get 'crazy'. I just hope that 'crazy' doesn't involve drugs of any kind.

To be honest I have only done coke & ecstacy ~ both once. I like coke way too much & will not put myself in a position to where I would be tempted or coherced into doing it again. It is way too tempting and I liked it way too much the first time.

Well I am outta the office now... I'll try to jump on laters!

*You in the blue... chin up! Somebody out here loves ya!*

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011