l Bearer of the truth, please step forward l

| Sunday, Sept. 15, 2002 || 2:31 a.m. |

Okay so I think I may have left a lot to be misunderstood with my second to last entry...

I spoke of my friendship with the OriginalGem as being my only true friend, which in fact I should have said one of my only true friends, as I fear I have been misinterpreted and have caused some hurt feelings... That was not my intent and not what I meant. I do not have many people in my life that I feel are real friends... My case in point I have had no phone calls today. Not one person has called me. I have made calls and left messages but no response. I am not pouting because I know I am not the center of the universe. I do not spend much time with anyone these days. Case in point I am still awake in my jammies from last night, I widdled away the entire day watching tv with my ass on the couch.

I have only maybe... three friends that I talk to semi-regularly. Only one do I speak to daily and many times during the day at that... Who did I call constantly while living in Wisconsin? Other than my mom... you know who you are. I love you like an older sister I never had, you know that. I trust you even if you do not trust me. You have always been there for me when I needed you and I would like to think I have as well.

I should try to get some sleep... I hope that this matter is resolved... I can not bear to think of losing any one of my TRUE friends...

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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