l Trying to forget... l

| Monday, Sept. 23, 2002 || 10:09 p.m. |


tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum went to the gyno to get some uhmmm?

can i just tell ya that paps suck?? if you're a woman you already know this but i must add that if you have ever experienced an alternative lifestyle i think they try to rip out your ovaries or something... shit. i just was being honest when they asked if i had had relations with men, women or both in the last year so i put both and the nurse was all... "Just so I understand, you have had a 'homosexual' relations in the past year? Or have you had more? Like it is any of her business who i've been doing...

well long story short...everything looks fine and they gave me a few months of pills...

I have been trying my best to not think about Milwaukee but it has been with any success.

I have lost some weight though... I'm not nearly what I want to be but for now it will be okay... I just wish that I had more time to lose weight before auditions for l.a. idol and real world/road rules... I think I have time for the latter but the first no.

We'll see if it really makes a difference or not.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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