l a pathetic attempt at keeping it going l

| Thursday, Nov. 29th, 2001 || 1:53 p.m. |

Subject: About last night...

To: "Isaac"

I am not sure if I really expressed myself clearly, but I did have a lot of fun last night with you. Thank you so much for taking me to the Czech Point and introducing me to the wonderful world of Czech food and beer! It was some of the best beer I have tried, never mind the fact that I have tried almost no beer other than american, but what ever! The fried cheese and cauliflower was really good too (I hate to admit it but that fried cheese was even better than Hot dog on a sticks! There I said IT! ).

Ooh! Last night, you had said you had to be back by a certain time from Berkeley? Did I hear that correctly? I was listening really, it is early and I didn't get home until after 1am, so lack of sleep has a heavy roll in this brain fart.

I am finagling my way out of the office by noon tomorrow. I think my plan is fool proof! But that remains to be seen.

Any hoo, Have a beautiful day and enjoy the impending rain. I think I am gonna go running around naked on my patio just to enjoy it to the fullest, it is just a shame I don't have any grass back there to roll around in! lol...


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