l Good Grief Charlie Brown l

| February 25, 2004 || 10:02 a.m. |

Sometimes it�s just fun to read what you wrote on the same day a year ago. I wrote this in musicnut�s notes & then I decided that it�s worth sharing: As a rule of thumb if one of you thinks it's important then it is & should be to the other. relationship always involve work once the honeymoon is over. there are two types of people in this world: the ones that just give up & are too damn lazy to work & those that recognize a great thing & do it for love. nothing great in life is easy so why should love be? Horoscopes for me really make me thing as does this weeks Lovescope: This week you will be wondering whether you should work to hold on to the love that you have, or if you should try for someone new. Is there another person out there who is better than the person you have now? If you truly find yourself asking this question, then the answer is probably yes. Most likely, there is indeed someone else out there who you should be partnered with. This week is a time for you to do inventory - to reflect, look inward, and ask yourself whom you want to be spending the rest of your life with. If you are single, this is not the time to be out looking for new mates. You will not find the one you desire. Instead, you need to be working on loving yourself. Patch up old wounds and create new, positive habits for yourself. On Friday, you will reach a very climactic point with regard to your love life. At this time, you should seek counsel from someone who can see things you can't. A new plan is necessary, and it would be good to have someone helping to guide you as you take this next critical step.

Dammit I think I have a hernia. I am working on archiving all of last years files & just after lifting the archive drawer into the casing I noticed sharp twinges in my lower abdomen. Just to cross my I�s and dot my t�s I informed my boss & now they�re sending me to the doctor�s, how fun. So I guess I�ll write more later.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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