l Kitchen fresh chicken - MUST KILL COMMERCIAL l

| April 20, 2004 || 12:48 p.m. |

I followed the advice my horoscope gave me yesterday & nothing happened really. I mean he didn�t cancel his plans but he understands how much it means to me & how much it hurts to feel like I [and my family] come second to a car club. He apologized but that is about it. It was a great talk, I feel like a lot was accomplished even though he didn�t change his plans. I am secretly hoping that he will & surprises me but I know better than that, I know him better than that. That is the sad part, but I love that man too much to do anything more.

I blew up today after getting yelled at by someone that has no right yelling at me. As soon as I hung up the phone I screamed, �I�m so sick of this shit! � My boss [the good one] tried to calm me down & reassured me that she shouldn�t have done that & just to try to disregard it. It�s hard to do that when that shit happens all the time with corporate. I work for this office, not them however they have me taking care of things for this office that corporate does for all the other offices, so when I slip up on something I get yelled at like I am a fucking moron that can�t do one simple job. I don�t think they realize that I do:

    Basic phone reception stuff [e.g. phones, mail, filing etc.]
    Training [for corporate � includes tracking all employees certificates & scheduling them for refresher class before they expire � fax requests to corporate for payment & set it up with what ever training facility & make sure the employees know when the are to go & that they did go�then send all original certs when received to corporate after I�ve made copies for our files & the employees copy]
    Collections [again for corporate � this should be a full time job according to corporate office & this should be my first priority]
    Human resources [meaning all time keeping & maintaining employee files, new hires etc.]
    Sales tracking [I�d say accounting, which is really is, but since I don�t actually create the invoices I didn�t. I process all the files, tally them up, adding my admin time & then fax them to corporate for them to enter it into the invoice form & then I print them up, sort them out to the files & mail them in duplicate along with the published reports, which I publish]
    Operations [taking job orders, scheduling them, creating proposals, work authorizations etc]
    Office Bitch � self-explanatory really, I am the peon, errand bitch & it�s my job to know how to fix everything that has to do with computer programs, wipe the VP�s ass, tell him when to shit & where.

I am not even sure if that is all I am responsible for. Everyone seems to think everything is the top priority so no matter what I try to do first I get yelled at for not doing the other thing first [by the other person that gave me the first thing]. This is why I need to get a new job, either here or in Texas � I don�t really give a flying fuck, mais bien sur I�d like it to be more money.

Enough of that ranting shit, no one likes to read about people bitching about a job that is not their own.

I had to go back to Betty, I felt as if I was betraying her somehow with the Marilyn Monroe template. I loved the set up so I drag-queened it [as my web goddess would say]. I change templates like underwear every month, ooh wait no� ummm like back up: I change templates like I need tampons, once a month at least. That is better no? I love me some drag queens, come to think of it I haven�t been to a show in a long time and never really get to hang out with my favorites gay boys anymore. That makes me sad, I don�t know what they are up to or where they�re at, they can�t seem to return a call � must be busy with their mens.

I have to end this & get out of this office for lunch. They finally started the build back today so all I can hear is drilling, hammering & all that crap. It�s so damn annoying, even more so since it�s in the room next to my desk. Oy Vey!!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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