l let's get this week started l

| March 21, 2005 || 10:47 a.m. |

I have no idea what is going on with the Dland but it's a weird one. All of my pictures are not on my 'uploaded photos', actually none of them are. I read some of the news here so I guess it's just a recovery server issue. I will no longer have a sg account I think at the end of the month so I am looking into other ways of utilizing my domain & still keeping my faithful dland readers. I could always have this url redirected automatically to angelsellars.com & use moveable type or whatever those things are. I am not very familiar with that but I can look into them. If anyone has suggetions please let me know. Is movable type or whatever cheaper then a sg membership? I guess I need to do my research.

Okay so as far as the freaky, creepy co-worker situation... It's been resolved. He called Friday before coming in & mentioned that I got to talk to the woman briefly. I told him yes, I did but that she called me at work which was completely unappreciated. He apologized & said that was all his fault & it was a misunderstanding whatever. I then said told him about her calling me 15 times when I was not at home & then again at 6AM. Apparently that was him, eew.

Anyways, I made it clear that the entire situation creeped me out & I no longer wanted to have any involvement with the situation. He asked if he was bugging me & I repeated myself and said that I wanted him to never mention anything about the situation at all, just nothing, we would act as if it never happened or I would not hesitate to report him. He got the point. It was a little ackward when he finally came in but thankfully I was busy & really didn't have to talk to him. I'm just hoping that the new departments they're talking about opening come about soon so I can move away from the front desk & away from having to deal with the builders period. Which sucks cause the VP of Construction has his Admin Position available & my brother [a builder] thinks I should go for it. For one I think it would be a conflict of interest since that position deals with the builder bonuses so I doubt I could but he still wants to me talk to the HR department about it. I can't very well tell him why else I don't want it. Hmm... whatever.

I went out finally! That girl I befriended when I first moved here texted me Friday night while on my way home from wally-wally. It was her mom's bday & she wanted to take her to the Drag show at S4. Her mom likes me & told her to invite me along. Perhaps I should have just stayed home like I intended to. Her ex was with the crew too. We got along quite well, too well I guess. Nothing happened but I still got into trouble. It seemed like something was going on to her, I guess. I don't blame her for thinking that, I probably would have as well. She was there enjoying herself talking with the drag queens & so all we could do was talk to one another. Once we left & got back to the house the ex asked me for a ride home. That's what really got me into trouble. It was on my way home but apparently it wasn't something I should have done. I haven't heard from the girl since she left me text messages while I was driving her ex home. I didn't actually receive them until it was too late. I tried to call but it went right to voicemail. I need to get a little magnet again so I can put my cell back on my dash, I can never hear the vibrating while the music is playing & it's in my purse.

Anyhow, I did have a lot of fun with that exception, if I lose my friend out of the deal it so wasn't worth it. I hope I don't. *crossing my fingers*

I worked Saturday for about 5 hours & then spent a little too much money on more clothes. I was so hung over & not wanting to be there until it got incredibly busy. We were all being watched & evaluated. I had a sale that was over $700 & it was with a mother & daughter. They were awesome, I think I must have spent at least 2 hours with just them [well I was also helping others too but they were there for at least 2 hours]. I received high praise in my review & I also was the first person my manager had seen pass [or she passed] on the first time. It was a pretty cool day. I promptly went home to break in my couch & watch movies. I spent the evening doing just that. My little brother came over to set up & reformat my computer but after that I was a lounge lizard. I even had Sunday off! I heart the managers at Xpress. She knew how stressed I've been & so she took the liberty of requesting the day off for me. I so needed it! I woke up after a long nice nights sleep & resumed my lounge lizard status. I drank coffee & ended up being late to my Brother's for Sunday dinner.

I stayed late as well. Everyone leaves right after dinner so it usually is about an hour or so long. This time I had to run to the pharmacy & I came back with everyone gone. My sis-in-law was outside with Kole-eole [my adorable nephew], they were going to walk down to the park. It was so much fun watching him ride his little bike & playing around on the swings. I started pushing him on the "big swing" [I was holding his back so he could not fall] & pushing him up really high, then bringing him back far. I wasn't letting him go at all just making him feel like he was swinging high like his daddy did & big sis. He has the most infectious laughter. I only wish I could have done that longer but it was getting late & we had to walk back to the house so they could take a bath & go to bed. I think I'd like to take the kids out one weekend like I used to with my little cousins. Perhaps I'll take a weekend off sometime in the future & take them to a park somewhere for a few hours. It would not only give my brother & his wife a little reprieve but give me some quality time with them as well.

So yeah. That is me, that is my updates for now. I'm online at home now - DSL baby! My computer runs nice & smooth as well but that could be because I have no programs. No Word, Excel, Frontpage, nothing. All I have is Windows 98 & some basic stuff but no programs. Anyone know how I can get some either really cheap or for free?? yeah, if you could let me know! I need something, especially Frontpage!!

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011