l Jebus - H. Christy l

| April 05, 2005 || 11:48 a.m. |

Talk about running ones'self into the ground. I slept for about 4 hours after I got home from the Race for the Cure & stayed lazy on the couch watching my Alias DVDs - a total of 9 or 10 episodes! I was supposed to drive out to Dallas to see a friend that was in town from Baton Rouge but I completely flaked out cause I was so exhausted and blah... Not to mention I was an hour late to work Sunday because I had no idea daylight savings was this weekend.

*Ooh I also neglected to mention that I got rip roaringly drunk Friday night with Miss B - I even got sick, I can do red wine but apparently not two big bottles of white - well we shared it. I didn't actually fall asleep until around 2am, I think... only to have to be up at 530-6AM*

I did not get to sleep Sunday night until well after 1am - and that was finally after taking a sleeping pill [big mistake as it never wore off] then was here at work until 6pm [even though I had to be at express by 6], I have so much left from both Friday & yesterday to do [all of the invoicing/coding that had come in since then] because its the beginning of the month so I had tons of monthly reports that had to be done yesterday [technically they should have been done friday but fridays are too busy with the builders coming in], so I couldn't leave here until those reports were finished - PLUS we didn't even get out of Express until after midnight so I got home after 1230 and the last time I saw the clock it was after 140 so I think I went to sleep right after that... I am so incredibly tired and hungry!!! Thank goodness I don't have to work at Express until Saturday night...

I need to do laundry but I think that can wait until tomorrow night, I'll go to my mom's to see the A.I results show & do my laundry there. I hate doing it at the "Clothing Care Center" & why spend all those quarters when your mom's is free and 15 minutes away? Exactly. Plus I know she loves it when I come over now that she doesn't get to see my on a daily basis. I do miss seeing her as well but I am really enjoying being alone.

Oy, I am way too busy here at work [full time job]. No had any suggestions about my other job sort of offer/opportunity. That's really kind of disappointing. I'm still clueless but I need to do something, either quit the part time job or something. I am getting run into the ground [not to mention I can't stop buying stuff!!].

I have to wrap this entry up for now. I will try hard to write another entry once I am caught up here at work or when I get home [before I bury myself in my comfy bed].

*hugs & kisses* ~ angel

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

I want her to want me I need for me to not want her - November 08, 2012
T.r.o.u.b.l.e is A.n.g.i.e. - November 06, 2012
So much has changed - October 29, 2012
Set in Stone - January 10, 2012
A lil teasing is considered foreplay. - December 21, 2011