l I'm the only one and I walk alone l

| June 30, 2005 || 3:44 p.m. |

I'm kind of at a loss for words these past two days. It's kind of busy around here and I'm doing the same ole crap just different calendar dates.

I've accumulated 40 hours of vacation time now and so I plan on using a few of those days to go to CA over Labor Day weekend. I figure I can leave Wednesday night and return the following Tuesday. That sounds pretty good doesn't it? I can't believe that the year has gone by so quickly. We had the best vacation of our lives just last Labor Day weekend and now here I am making plans for another one.

The only flaw that I just realized is my lease is up at the end of August [I think the 26 or something random] and I have to check that out before I go buying my ticket. Well I also have to put in the PTO request form. I think if I look tonight at my lease and I have enough time to move before I fly to CA then I can use the quarterly bonus I will be getting either the 2nd or 3rd paycheck in July.

That job I want is also supposed to open around that time [the end of summer is around the end of August/September right?] so it might be a great time to take off or not. I guess I'll just end up seeing how things pan out.

For all those who love the X line of clothing, tonight we're doing all the mark downs for the HUGE RED LINE SALE so be sure to do some mad shopping tomorrow & this weekend before all the cardboard bins get raided and all that's left is the wrong-size crap. Down side to us doing that tonight. I probably won't get home until around 1am. Ooh well lately I've been spending my Fridays in watching TV and crashing around 10PM. Good news? I only work 1-6 Saturday and then I am off the rest of the weekend. I'll find out my schedule tonight but as far as I know now I won't be working 8-5 however X might have me scheduled. I have no plans for the 4th anyways so I guess it doesn't matter. I'm sure my Mom, her hubby, Grandma & myself will just do a dinner thing. I don't care. I spent last 4th of July alone so it's not something I'm not used to.

I've been looking back at so many old entries that I just realized I've been without my baby Torin for a year now. That's really sad. I hope he is all right.

Another thing, if you read that 4th of July entry, my bed still has yet to be christened.

| Deeper | throughts | Remembered |

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